Full Paper

14 February 1997
© Copyright: 1997

A theory (dubbed Astro-Metrics) has been proposed that most stars with solar systems have had their planets formed with the aid of another star or unseen stellar companion. This theory suggests our solar system was formed with the aid of a dark star, dubbed Nemesis by many modern astronomers but referred to as Vulcan by the ancients. Such a dark star may have been already detected by the Infrared Astronomical Survey (IRAS) satellite. Reports suggest that IRAS found no dark star companion to our Sun but a review of the data indicates that one of these IRAS objects was never firmly identified. Detection of an astronomical object exhibiting possible parallax is an indication that it could be our Sun's dark star companion. Further, this IRAS object is at a relatively high declination, just as the Astro-Metrics theory requires.

The IRAS object accompanied by data from other sources have been utilized to determine an orbit and mass for Vulcan. It is estimated to orbit the Sun with a period slightly more than 5000 years in an oval shaped orbit which is highly inclined to the orbit of Earth and the other planets within our solar system. It passed farthest point from the Sun between 1969 and 1971, at a distance about 453 times farther away from the Sun than is the Earth.

Vulcan draws meteors from a distant debris clouds (the Kuiper belt and the Oort cloud) that astronomers believe exists in the far reaches of our solar system. These meteors fall towards Earth in trajectories related to Vulcan's orbit, becoming long-period comets, possibly composed of toxic compounds, occasionally pass near Earth's orbit, sometimes striking it with disastrous consequences. These collisions are the basis of various "catastrophism" observations. It is suspected that a large swarm of meteors collects in a special resonant orbit, one where three revolutions of the swarm about the Sun equals almost exactly twice the dark star's period. These meteors are seen on Earth as long- period comets. They leave vicinity of Vulcan when it is near its farthest point and a few may experience Earth impact as they near the Sun.

Noah's Great Flood may have been caused by Earth impact of one of these long- period comets impacting Earth. Another member of its swarm probably hit Earth on an earlier pass and others may have hit Earth about 3300 years later. That swarm will not threaten Earth for another 3,700 years. Recent cometary activity (e.g. those striking Jupiter) may herald the beginning of a dangerous celestial period. The period of highest risk is between now and 2200 AD. Earlier dates are more risky. Only a concerted effort focused on detection and neutralization of this dangerous comet-swarm can avoid an impending environmental catastrophe of proportions similar to the biblical Great Flood.