July 2013 to December 2013 Events
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28 Jan. 2014
07/05/13 to 07/18/13
2012 Meteor Shower Calendar
AMS Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC) EVENTS: M10-
50, L51-150, H151+
IMO Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC)
The Latest Worldwide Meteor / Fireball Reports - Summary
- 05 JUL/8 EVENTS M-1
- 06 JUL/3 EVENTS 24
- 07 JUL/8 EVENTS 10
- 08 JUL/3 EVENTS 7
- 09 JUL/4 EVENTS 7
- 10 JUL/5 EVENTS M-1
- 11 JUL/2 EVENTS 3
- 12 JUL/7 EVENTS 31
- 13 JUL/9 EVENTS M-1, L-1
- 14 JUL/11 EVENTS 5
- 15 JUL/10 EVENTS 4
- 16 JUL/10 EVENT 12
- 17 JUL/7 EVENT 4
- 18 JUL/9 EVENT 4
MBIQ Detects Italy Meteor 05JUL2013
BC, Canada Meteor 06JUL2013
Italy / France Meteor 07JUL2013
MBIQ Detects Virginia Meteor 07JUL2013
MBIQ Detects UK Meteor 08JUL2013
MBIQ Detects Australia Meteor 08JUL2013
MBIQ Detects WY SD ID Meteor 09JUL2013
A bird? A plane? No, a meteor - July 11, 2013
"It suddenly appeared a classic comet shape, a white ball with perhaps yellow
eges and a bright white cone tail out the back. The person I was with saw it
It was only there for a second. I never expected to see such a sight from my
Billy Dymond saw it from North Devon. He said: "We watched if for around three
to four seconds, a large white ball turning green, not just going across but
falling downwards towards earth at an incredible speed."
ONT MI Fireball Meteor 12JUL2013
GA NC TN KY Meteor 13JUL2013
Bright meteor spotted over southern Ontario - July 13, 2013
The meteor was spotted in Toronto, Newmarket, Oshawa and as far away as Sudbury
around 10 p.m.
Several people reported the meteor on the American Meteor Society’s website.
There was no sound associated with the meteor.
It is unknown if the meteor is associated with the Delta Aquarid meteor shower
that peaks on July 30. Typically the Delta Aquarids produce about 10 meteors an
Meteor spotted over North Carolina - July 13, 2013
More than 200 people from Indiana to Ohio southward toward North Carolina
reported seeing the large fireball. Most of the sightings came in just before
midnight and folks reported the it was traveling from south to north across the
sky. The meteorite was described as bright white with some red. There were no
reports of sounds as it passed by the area.
Three Major Meteor Events 13/14AUG2013 - Little Coverage in Major News
Shooting star a stunner - 14/07/2013
The sight of a giant shooting star left a North Taranaki man shaking after his
early morning run.
Lance Howarth, a mobile mechanic, was out running around the back roads of
Lepperton this morning when he saw the star around 5:45am.
''It was that bloody spectacular I had to stop and watch it.''
He said the star had completely lit up the dark moonless sky and surrounding
- Secondary Data
07/19/13 to 08/05/13
2012 Meteor Shower Calendar
AMS Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC) EVENTS: M10-
50, L51-150, H151+
IMO Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC)
The Latest Worldwide Meteor / Fireball Reports - Summary
- 19 JUL/4 EVENT 6
- 20 JUL/11 EVENT 6
- 21 JUL/3 EVENT 8
- 22 JUL/1 EVENT 6
- 23 JUL/8 EVENT 9
- 24 JUL/4 EVENT 4
- 25 JUL/3 EVENT 2
- 26 JUL/6 EVENT 2
- 27 JUL/3 EVENT 1
- 28 JUL/10 EVENT M-1, L-1
- 29 JUL/3 EVENT 19
- 30 JUL/6 EVENT 9
- 31 JUL/6 EVENT 4
- 01 AUG/12 EVENT 4
- 02 AUG/11 EVENT M-1, L-1
- 03 AUG/6 EVENT 5
- 04 AUG/7 EVENT 34
- 05 AUG/13 EVENT L-18
Japan Fireball Meteor 19JUL2013
Unusual Meteor or UFO ??? 1st of 3 that appeared in one Night @ Sakurajima
Volcano Japan 2013-07-20
Acre, Brasil Large Bolide Fireball Meteor 21JUL2013
Ontario, Canada Meteors 21JUL2013
Puerto Rico Fireball Meteor 21JUL2013
UFO Crash Witnessed By Thousands In California. - July 21, 2013
MBIQ Detects California Meteor 22JUL2013
MBIQ Detects Alberta / Saskatchewan / Canada Fireball Meteor 25/26JUL2013
Japan Fireball Meteor 43 Sec Duration 26JUL2013
MBIQ Detects Romania Fireball Meteor 28JUL2013 - YET UNCONFIRMED
MBIQ Detects - Jamaica / Cayman Islands / Honduras Fireball Meteor?
Did a meteor hit Orange County? Residents report huge explosion - July 30,
Massive Fireball Ignites the Sky over Puerto Rico - Jul 31, 2013
Xinjiang, China Meteorite Fall 31JUL2013
Eyes to the heavens as asteroid streaks over Cayman - 31 July, 2013
MBIQ Detects Ontario, Canada Fireball Meteor 02AUG2013
Japan Fireball Meteor 02AUG2013
MBIQ Detects Italia Meteor 04/05AUG2013
Japan Long Duration Fireball Meteor 04AUG2013
MS TN Bright Fireball Meteor 04AUG2013
MBIQ Detects Oklahoma Fireball Meteor 05AUG2013
Bright ‘Fireball’ in Sky Over Tennessee, Alabama (+Video) - August 5, 2013
- Secondary Data
08/06/13 to 08/18/13
2012 Meteor Shower Calendar
AMS Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC) EVENTS: M10-
50, L51-150, H151+
IMO Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC)
The Latest Worldwide Meteor / Fireball Reports - Summary
- 06 AUG/8 EVENT 11
- 07 AUG/9 EVENT 36
- 08 AUG/11 EVENT 2
- 09 AUG/8 EVENT 7
- 10 AUG/13 EVENT 5
- 11 AUG/21 EVENT 6
- 12 AUG/22 EVENT M-1
- 13 AUG/21 EVENT 12
- 14 AUG/9 EVENT M-2
- 15 AUG/11 EVENT 4
- 16 AUG/7 EVENT 21
- 17 AUG/4 EVENT M-1
- 18 AUG/8 EVENT 2
BC, Canada LONG Duration Fireball Meteor 06AUG2013
MBIQ Detects Nova Scotia / Prince Edward Is./Newfoundland /New Brunswick Canada/
Maine USA Fireball Meteor 07AUG2013
Turkey Meteorite Fall? Meteorite or Not? 11AUG2013
New Mexico Meteor 12AUG2013
Breaking News - Hawley, TX Bolide Fireball Meteor 13AUG2013 - Perseid?
Canberra, Australia Bolide Meteor 13AUG2013
Canberra Meteor/ite Event 13AUG2013 Hunt D+4
Breaking News- TN MO AR MS Daytime Bolide Fireball Meteor 14AUG2013
Two Large Meteor Events: Loud Booms Over Memphis Tennessee and Great Video From
Canberra Australia - 15 August 2013
MBIQ Detects CA OR Meteor 16AUG2013
MBIQ Detects CA NV Meteor 16AUG2013
California Meteor 16JUL2013
MBIQ Detects MD VA Meteor 18AUG2013?
- Secondary Data
Sequester Shuts Down Space Surveillance System - August 15, 2013
The system, which is a multi-station radar, tracks satellites, meteoroids and
space debris that is heading our way. The radar stations are scattered across
the southern USA and can detect objects some 25,000 miles away from the Earth.
The tracking devices form a crucial part of our defenses against all types of
space matter likely to cause damage to the planet.
U.S. Military's 'Space Fence' Shutdown Will Weaken Orbital Surveillance
Network - August 13, 2013
According to two recent memos obtained by SpaceNews, the Air Force will shut
down the aging Air Force Space Surveillance System, also known informally
as the Space Fence, Sept. 1.
08/19/13 to 08/31/13
2012 Meteor Shower Calendar
AMS Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC) EVENTS: M10-
50, L51-150, H151+
IMO Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC)
The Latest Worldwide Meteor / Fireball Reports - Summary
- 19 AUG/2 EVENT 12
- 20 AUG/5 EVENT 7
- 21 AUG/13 EVENT M-1
- 22 AUG/1 EVENT 11
- 23 AUG/5 EVENT 14
- 24 AUG/2 EVENT 18
- 25 AUG/6 EVENT 11
- 26 AUG/3 EVENT 3
- 27 AUG/3 EVENT 5
- 28 AUG/8 EVENT 1
- 29 AUG/5 EVENT 1
- 30 AUG/5 EVENT 0
- 31 AUG/10 EVENT 1
MBIQ Detects MD VA NC Meteor 19AUG2013?
MBIQ Detects MD VA NC Meteor 19AUG2013?
TX LA Meteor 20AUG2013
Mystery object spotted high in the sky above Waterloo - August 20, 2013
Huge Fireball Flies Across The Sky Over San Luis Potosi in Mexico – August
21 2013
San Luis Potosi, Mexico Daytime Bolide Meteor 21AUG2013?
San Luis Potosi, Mexico Daytime Bolide Meteor 21AUG2013 - Update 02SEP2013
San Luis Potosi, Mexico Daytime Bolide Meteor 21AUG2013 - Update
Very Strange! This asteroid event was near the size of the Chelyabinsk, Russian event and yet I cannot get any news from Mexico
Media or help from Mexican astronomers??? Four independent
videos documented the event yet I cannot get help to obtain the ORIGINAL videos?
Please other country scientists and researchers help with this study.
Did the ET aliens throw another one at
San Luis Potosi, Mexico Daytime Bolide Meteor 21AUG2013 - Update
I am still calling this event REAL in spite of the skeptics.
California Fireball Meteor 22AUG2013
Objeto luminoso en el desierto de Wirikuta, El Venado, SLP... - Aug 22,
Daytime Fireball Recorded Over Wirikuta, Mexico
Things that go boom in the night - 22 August, 2013
A loud noise heard all around the eastern Darling Downs had southern
Queenslanders scratching their heads, until the Air Force put up their hand.
MBIQ Detects Perth, WA, Australia Meteor 23AUG2013
USGS: Sonic boom caused shaking from Peninsula to Outer Banks - August 23,
Italia Meteor? 23AUG2013?
OKC, Oklahoma Fireball Meteor 23AUG2013
USGS: Sonic boom caused shaking from Peninsula to Outer Banks - August 23,
MBIQ Detects Slovakia Meteor 24AUG2013?
TX NM Bolide Fireball Meteor 25AUG2013
Mystery 'meteor' flashes over Canary Islands - 26 Aug 2013
GA TN Fireball Meteor 28AUG2013 w/ videos NASA ASGARD
MeteorRATs Scramble!
Huge Fireball + Moon Light Up Alabama Night Sky |
- Aug 29, 2013
NASA's All-Sky cameras captured a very bright meteor burning up in the
atmosphere at the same time that the Moon was in the camera field of view. Early
estimates: meteor weighed ~100lbs and was traveling ~53,000 mph.
"Comet of the century" might cause a meteor shower - April 29, 2013
- Secondary Data
09/01/13 to 09/13/13
Wormwood Impact Vision 7 Oct. 2012?
09/14/13 to 10/03/13
2012 Meteor Shower Calendar
AMS Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC) EVENTS: M10-
50, L51-150, H151+
IMO Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC)
The Latest Worldwide Meteor / Fireball Reports - Summary
- 14 SEP/7 EVENT 12
- 15 SEP/8 EVENT 6
- 16 SEP/8 EVENT M-1
- 17 SEP/6 EVENT M-2
- 18 SEP/9 EVENT L-1
- 19 SEP/9 EVENT M-1
- 20 SEP/12 EVENT 14
- 21 SEP/4 EVENT 21
- 22 SEP/17 EVENT M-1, L-3
- 23 SEP/17 EVENT M-2
- 24 SEP/16 EVENT M-4, L-1
- 25 SEP/13 EVENT 12
- 26 SEP/16 EVENT M-1, H-1
- 27 SEP/13 EVENT 180
- 28 SEP/23 EVENT L-1, H-2
- 29 SEP/26 EVENT M-4
- 30 SEP/14 EVENT M-1
- 01 OCT/15 EVENT M-1
- 02 OCT/12 EVENT M-1
- 03 OCT/14 EVENT M-1
PA VA ONT Fireball Meteor/s 14SEP2013
Tataouine , Tunisia Large Meteorite Fall with Explosions? 15SEP2013?
CA AZ NV Fireball Meteor 16SEP2013
Large Meteor Has Hit Tunisia - September 16, 2013
MBIQ Detects NS NB ME MA NH Fireball Meteor 17SEP2013?
MBIQ Detects NS NB QC ME MA NH NY CT VT RI Fireball Meteor 17SEP2013
Japan Fireball Meteor 18SEP2013
Japan Fireball Meteor 19SEP2013 - 2013
UK Meteor 19SEP2013
MD VA PA Meteor 19SEP2013
Japan Bright Fireball Meteor 20SEP2013
MBIQ Detects Queensland, Australia Meteor 20SEP2013
Alberta/NT, Canada Meteor 21SEP2013
Texas / Oklahoma Meteor 21SEP2013
NH CT MA ME RI PA Fireball Meteor 22SEP2013
NC GA SC Fireball Meteor 22SEP2013
CO UT Meteor 23SEP2013
MD DE VA PA WV OH Fireball Meteor 23SEP2013
TX LA Fireball Meteor 23SEP2013
TX Fireball Meteor 23SEP2013
Brasil Apparent Meteorite Fall 23SEP2013
Possible meteorite crashed in a small village in Brazil:
A suspected meteorite crashed in town Rubber, Vicenza district, North Forest in
Pernambuco, and is worrying farmers in the region. The object had fallen from
the sky on the evening of last Monday (23).Although seem unlikely,
Photos and video of meteorite fall in Brazil, 23 September 2013
MI OH IL WI IN ONT KY MO IA TN Daytime Bolide Meteor 26SEP2013
Large fireball spotted in Midwest
The AMS has received nearly 700 reports of a large fireball this morning
September 26th around 7:05 am local time. Witnesses from Ohio, Illinois, Indiana,
Kentucky, Missouri and Wisconsin reported a bright light moving across the
morning sky.
Japan Super Large Meteoroide 27SEP2013
OH MI ONT PA IL WV KY TN VA Bolide Meteor/s 27SEP2013
New Fireball spotted in Midwest
The mid west has witnessed two major fireball events in less than 2 days.
The second Fireball occurred last night September 27th around 11:30 PM local
time over central Ohio. The AMS has tagged over 450 witness reports to this
event so far and there are still over 400 awaiting review.
This event has quickly become the AMS’s 3rd most reported event of all time. The
Indiana event that occurred earlier in the morning attained the second place
spot, but its possibly that title will not be held for very long. Hundreds of
witnesses continue to report this latest event in Ohio.
Amazing Photo of Friday Night’s Ohio Meteor
Here is an amazing photo by Alex Parlini of the Ohio Meteor (AMS Event #2132)
this past Friday night. This event logged over 1000 witness reports and goes
down as the 2nd most reported event in AMS history. This is a crop of Alex’s
image, click the pic below to see the full size shot.
TN GA NC KY Meteor/s 28SEP2013
NH ME NY RI PA VA QC and NC Meteor 28SEP2013
Was it a meteor that lit up the sky last night? - September 28, 2013
A fireball reportedly hit near a home in northern Adams County, Ohio, a few
miles outside the city of Peebles causing a house fire. . . . A neighbor said
the meteor crossed over the city and hit near the Locust Grove Cemetery just
four miles from the Great Serpent Effigy
Mound. In recent years, a crop circle appeared overnight in an adjacent
field from the Serpent Mound grounds and thousands of years ago it was the sight
of a major meteorite that caused a huge impact crater.
Another alien warning?
Another Massive Fireball Over Atlanta
The latest event took place over Alabama and Georgia last night September 28th
7:30 PM local time. Over 250 witnesses from Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky,
Tennessee, North Carolina, Alabama and Georgia have reported the event so far.
Below is a heat map of the witnesses who saw the event. Click the image below
for the event detail page and witness reports.
VA MD DE Meteor 29SEP2013
MBIQ Detects California Fireball Meteor 01OCT2013
Yamaguchi-Ken, Japan Fireball Meteor 03OCT2013 - 2013
Giant fireball hits waters off Zamboanga - October 3, 2013
For two days now, villagers and authorities in the west coast of Zamboanga
remain baffled after a big ball of fire streaked from the southern skies at 5
a.m. on Wednesday, hitting the coastal water before exploding and illuminating
nearby villages.
- Secondary Data
Brazil Weird News: Weird fireball falls from the sky at Yucatan - September,
22 - 2013.
At Ichmul, Chikindzonot city, south of Yucatan peninsula - Merida's state, in a
poor community where live some remnants of mayas, the fall of a fireball that
came from the sky, scared and still is scaring the dwellers of the place.
The researcher of the Instituto Tecnológico de Mérida, Eddie Salazar Gamboa said
the object are meteorite fragments or debris (human trash) attracted by the
gravity of Earth and warned that direct contact with them may be dangerous to
However, urged people don't must have contact with these objects because they
may contain radioactive material and, eventually, can cause certain types of
There has never been a radioactive meteor, but there has been radioactive satellites
knocked from the sky by
CAE BOLA DE FUEGO EN YUCATAN, 29 sep 2013: Google Translation
Published on Sep 29, 2013
MERIDA, September 29. - The fall of a ball of fire that lit up the skies of the
southern Yucatan caused fear to a Mayan community located in one of the poorest
areas of the town. Ichmul In the village, township police of Chikindzonot, the
locals were about to enjoy a small circus performance in the center of the
community, when he suddenly saw an object in flames falling from the sky at
great speed. The view was so bright that none of those who were were left to
observe the glow that was broken when he was about to touch down, similar to a
pyrotechnics blast. happened Falling Object at 8:30 pm on Sunday, breaking the
monotony of this small town . At that time the blast caused the electrical
current is suspended, raising fears because in the drop zone flashing blue
blazes were observed. while women crossed themselves, the municipal commissioner,
Pech Koyoc Floro said that the drop object, a loud bang was heard in the entire
population, and immediately observed how in the bush out a beam of light that
lasted until about 2:00 in the morning. "When that thing down there was a loud
noise, like a welding machine, which remained until three in the morning, some
climbed to the roof of the church to see what it was, and only saw a light in
the forest that even thought it was burning ". "People are frightened because I
did not know what it was and feared that the fire came to the town, and later,
began to despair because the light was fading and growing again, "expressed the
young, who described how the dogs would not stop barking. The boys said they the
strange illumination of the object is able to observe to the neighboring towns,
like Saban, Quintana Roo, San Francisco, Peto Chikindzonot township.
Not coincidentally humanoid figures forming when piecing together. Apparently it
was a UFO that had a mechanical failure and fell to the ground with his
crew. The subject of UFOs and other possibilities of life in space are
many. More and more things are discovered. This topic is not for ever. It would
be good to know that they are really doing with all the remains they
found. That did not seem strange that the Yankees appear to want to take

Yucatan Meteorite 1

Yucatan Meteorite 2

Yucatan Meteorite 1
Huge Fireball Explosion Creates Power Outage in Yucatan, Mexico - 30
September 2013
Sunday evening, a weird sky phenomenon broke up the monotony of a small Maya
Town as a huge object, thought to be a fireball, lit up the skies over the town
of Ichmul in southern Yucatan at around 8:30 PM local time.
The falling object was accompanied by a strong thundering noise and a loud blast
when it crashed onto the ground. The crash was followed by flashing blue hazes
and a power outage. Than flames were observable until approximately 2 AM at the
object’s landing site. The sky phenomenon was also observed in Saban, Quintana
Roo, San Francisco, and Peto Chikindzonot township.
What was this bright object falling from the sky?
As you can imagine, people got totally scared by this strange light phenomenon:
flaming object falling from the sky, thundering noise, blue haze, power outage,
fire and so on…
So, some courageous witnesses decided to inspect the drop area and found strange
parts embedded in the ground, which had crashed into power lines leaving the
city without electricity. Some locals picked up the fragments of the object and
stored them at the municipal police station to determine its mysterious origin.
Asteroid or space junk? Well the police started to play with the gathered
pieces and formed humanoid figures whose images have caused wonder and
excitement among locals and foreigners as shown in this video in spanish:
- Fireball of Yucatan causes nausea and headache
in rescuers - OCTOBER 1, 2013
Will This Be What Ends Us? - September 19, 2013
Will meteors, asteroids or comets be what eventually drives the human race to
near extinction?
Does the government know something huge is coming? Is that the reason for
the massive preparations being made by FEMA, and the CDC, or the reports of body
bags for a supposed possible “tsunami” as Live Free or Die wrote about just
this morning at Beforeitsnews?
200 To 300 Fireballs Reported Across 30 States - September 26, 2013
A video reports that between 200 to 300 fireballs have been reported in
September, but none have yet to land.
More sightings of meteor in Indiana - Sep 28, 2013
More reports of meteor sightings on Friday night are coming in from Indiana.
Nearly 700 people across six states already reported sightings of meteors Friday
According to AMS, September has had 13 significant meteor events. That's
more than any other month since collecting reports of fireball sightings with
AMS began.
Meteor Explodes Over Ohio, Kills Two 2013 - September 28, 2013
As of the morning of September 28, 2013, a home outside of Peebles, Ohio, in the
Locust Grove area of Adams County burned to the ground last night, the two
residents of the home, an elderly couple, Jane and Lyle Lambert, died as a
result of smoke inhalation.
The fire is believed to have been caused from the meteor, or pieces of the
meteor, that hit the home. The state fire marshal is investigating the fire.
Prepare For Something Big In The US - September 29, 2013
It’s more than rumor – it is happening. Too many people are confirming this -
something huge is underway in Puerto Rico, and the military is being told it
will be a meteor strike.
Asteroid near-miss reported by Russian scientists - September 30, 2013
A 15-meter asteroid, similar to the object that exploded above Russia in
February, moving at a speed of 16km per second, was detected hours before it
narrowly missed Earth over the weekend, according to Russian scientists
Meteor Showers Seen as Asteroid Narrowly Misses Earth - October 01, 2013
As we reported yesterday, meteor sightings are coming into the American Meteor
Society by the thousands. Interestingly, there are reports of meteor sightings
from 40 states, including Atlanta, GA, Alabama, South Carolina, North Carolina,
Kentucky and Tennessee as of September 28, 2013.
However, what wasn’t reported by the mainstream media was the fact that these
meteor showers coincided with an asteroid narrowly missing Earth.
These imply that it was a comet fragment, not an asteroid, that passed by
Government is Shutdown! NASA Shutdown & New Comet ISON Video! 10/1/13
10/04/13 to 10/16/13
AMS Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC) EVENTS: M10-
50, L51-150, H151+
IMO Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC)
The Latest Worldwide Meteor / Fireball Reports - Summary
- 04 OCT/19 EVENT M-1
- 05 OCT/19 EVENT 6
- 06 OCT/18 EVENT 14
- 07 OCT/11 EVENT 11
- 08 OCT/11 EVENT 6
- 09 OCT/12 EVENT 5
- 10 OCT/14 EVENT 5
- 11 OCT/10 EVENT 13
- 12 OCT/17 EVENT M-2
- 13 OCT/14 EVENT 14
- 14 OCT/13 EVENT 35
- 15 OCT/16 EVENT L-1
- 16 OCT/11 EVENT 19
Fire in the Sky / Bizarre sighting Ohio / "It was a Giant Red Burning
Object!" - October 5, 2013
UK Fireball Meteor 06OCT2013
Fire In The Sky News: “Brightest Fireball I’ve Ever Seen”
- October 7, 2013
Colorado Fireball Meteor 07OCT2013
Stockholm, Sweden Meteor 08OCT2013
Bosnia Fireball Meteor 10OCT2013?
Extremely bright meteor explodes over Central Bosnia - 10 Oct 2013
New Russian Meteor Or Rocket? - October 10, 2013
'Purple Fireball' 3 Comets Incoming! - 10/10/2013
Newfoundland, Canada Fireball Meteor 11OCT2013?
Japan SPECTACULAR Meteor 12OCT2013
Germany Fireball Meteor 13OCT2013?
Australia Fireball Meteor 13OCT2013?
MD NY MA DC Fireball Meteor 14OCT2013?
Fireball Sightings Reported Over Washington DC - October 15, 2013
Lancaster Meteor - 10/15 UT
Did You See the Dramatic Meteor Streak Over Maryland? - October 15, 2013
Fireball meteor lights up aurora display over Scotland - 15 Oct. 2013?
Second fireball meteor spotted over northern Scotland? - 16 October 2013
The second meteor could be seen from Inverness, Ullapool and also Tarbert in
Argyll at about 19:00 on Tuesday.
On Monday, a display of the Northern Lights over the Highlands and Islands was
lit up by a fireball meteor.
UK Meteor/s 16OCT2013
Utah / Alberta Fireball Meteor>/A> 16OCT2013
- Secondary Data
10/17/13 to 12/31/13
2012 Meteor Shower Calendar
AMS Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC) EVENTS: M10-
50, L51-150, H151+
IMO Fireball Sightings Log: 2013 (UTC)
The Latest Worldwide Meteor / Fireball Reports - Summary
- 17 OCT/15 EVENT L-1, M-1
- 18 OCT/18 EVENT 7
- 19 OCT/15 EVENT 15
- 20 OCT/13 EVENT M-1
- 21 OCT/10 EVENT M-2
- 22 OCT/15 EVENT M-1
- 23 OCT/12 EVENT L-1, M-2
- 24 OCT/17 EVENT L-1, M-1
- 25 OCT/13 EVENT 7
- 26 OCT/15 EVENT 13
- 27 OCT/12 EVENT 6
- 28 OCT/10 EVENT M-1
- 29 OCT/8 EVENT 5
- 30 OCT/6 EVENT H-1
- 31 OCT/11 EVENT 4
- 01 NOV/10 EVENT 36
- 02 NOV/11 EVENT M-237
- 03 NOV/17 EVENT M-1
- 04 NOV/11 EVENT 3
- 05 NOV/8 EVENT 2
- 06 NOV/12 EVENT 99
- 07 NOV/21 EVENT L-1
- 08 NOV/13 EVENT L-1
- 09 NOV/14 EVENT 5
- 10 NOV/17 EVENT 12
- 11 NOV/15 EVENT 9
- 12 NOV/11 EVENT 3
- 13 NOV/17 EVENT 9
- 14 NOV/16 EVENT M-1
- 15 NOV/18 EVENT M-1
- 16 NOV/14 EVENT M-1
- 17 NOV/11 EVENT L-1
- 18 NOV/9 EVENT 3
- 19 NOV/12 EVENT 6
- 20 NOV/14 EVENT M-1
- 21 NOV/13 EVENT 5
- 22 NOV/6 EVENT 3
- 23 NOV/9 EVENT 6
- 24 NOV/14 EVENT 18
- 25 NOV/11 EVENT 11
- 26 NOV/9 EVENT M-1
- 27 NOV/12 EVENT 65
- 28 NOV/16 EVENT M-1
- 29 NOV/24 EVENT M-1
- 30 NOV/21 EVENT 4
- 01 DEC/14 EVENT 3
- 02 DEC/8 EVENT 6
- 03 DEC/8 EVENT M-1
- 04 DEC/12 EVENT 9
- 05 DEC/13 EVENT M-2
- 06 DEC/8 EVENT 5
- 07 DEC/7 EVENT 7
- 08 DEC/10 EVENT 1
- 09 DEC/5 EVENT 5
- 10 DEC/9 EVENT 11
- 11 DEC/19 EVENT M-1, L-1
- 12 DEC/19 EVENT 5
- 13 DEC/28 EVENT M-1
- 14 DEC/30 EVENT M-2
- 15 DEC/13 EVENT 9
- 16 DEC/6 EVENT 3
- 17 DEC/16 EVENT 22
- 18 DEC/10 EVENT M-1, L-1
- 19 DEC/5 EVENT M-1
- 20 DEC/9 EVENT 2
- 21 DEC/5 EVENT 11
- 22 DEC/5 EVENT M-1
- 23 DEC/8 EVENT M-1
- 24 DEC/15 EVENT 3
- 25 DEC/12 EVENT 8
- 26 DEC/21 EVENT M-2, H-1
- 27 DEC/21 EVENT M-1
- 28 DEC/20 EVENT M-3, L-1
- 29 DEC/16 EVENT M-1
- 30 DEC/14 EVENT 5
- 31 DEC/10 EVENT ?
California and BC Morning Fireball Meteor/s 17OCT2013
Two fireball events captured on video over Scotland - 18 Oct 2013
Amazingly, he has since discovered that the phenomenon he recorded was a
different fireball - meaning there were two within 50 miles of each other at
around the same time.
Fireball caught on camera streaking over Isle of Skye
Almeria, Spain Bolide 19OCT2013
NM TX AZ Meteor 19OCT2013
Breakiing News - CA Fireball Meteor 22OCT2013
Breaking News - Large Bolide Meteor Maringá, Paraná State, Brazil 23OCT2013
MBIQ Detects Colorado Fireball Meteor 23OCT2013
MI WI IL Morning Meteor 23OCT2013
CA WA OR Morning Meteor 23OCT2013
NJ NY PA MD VA NC ON Morning Meteor 24OCT2013
Meteor spotted shooting across the Colorado sky - Oct 24, 2013
Meteor fireball wows spectators in Colombia, overhead explosion felt as 'small
earthquake' - 25 Oct 2013
URGENTE ! Caída de Meteorito en Meta - Meteorite Fell in Colombia
METEOR? SIGHTED - 25 October 2013
Meteor sighted over Liberal, Kansas
27 fireballs recorded over U.S. on 26 October 2013
CA OR Morning Meteor 26OCT2013
UK Meteor 26OCT2013
Japan Fireball Meteor 26OCT2013
Nova Scotia, Canada Meteor 27OCT2013
NC VA Meteor 28OCT2013
Breaking News- WA OR MT Alberta Morning Fireball Meteor 30OCT2013?
Breaking News- Tokyo Fireball Meteor 30OCT2013?
October 30, 2013 Fireball Over the Pacific Northwest - 30OCT2013
Breaking News- WA OR MT ID AB BC Morning Fireball Meteor 30OCT2013
Breaking News- Tokyo Fireball Meteor 30OCT2013
Breaking News- Spectacular Holland / Belgium Fireball Meteor 30OCT2013
(OCT 31, 2013)
Major Fireball Spotted In U.S. Pacific Northwest: more than 200 sightings
reported - November 1, 2013
Bosnia-Herzegovina Fireball Meteor 01NOV2013 - Possible Meteorites Produced!
Alberta Fireball Meteor 01NOV2013
MBIQ Detects NY NJ NH PA MD Meteor 01NOV2013
VA MD CT Meteor 02OCT2013
AZ Morning Meteor 02NOV2013
Mexico Meteor Turns Night To Day? - 11-5-13
November 3, 2013 Sunday at approximately 1:45 a.m. while approaching the
entrance of Saltillo, MX. From Monterrey, we suddenly observed what looked like
a streak of light of red and blue?
MBIQ Detects CA AZ NV UT MX Meteor 06NOV2013
CA Meteor 07NOV2013
MBIQ Detects NC Meteor 07NOV2013
Southern California Sky, And Twitter, Light Up With Reported Fireball, Most
Likely Meteor - November 7, 2013
The National Weather Service says the sightings reported starting at about 8 p.m.
Wednesday night are “most likely associated with the South Taurids (TOHR-ids)
meteor shower that has been especially active in early November.” Astronomers
say the Taurids doesn’t bring big numbers of visible meteors but a high
percentage of extremely bright ones that LOOK like fireballs.
Rare meteor sighting lights up Californian sky - 07 Nov 2013
One documented sighting came via the dashboard camera of a vehicle in a car park,
which showed a grainy ball of light moving across the sky.
Large Fireball over Southern California - 7NOV2013
Fire in the Sky News - 11/17/2013
Meteorite fall creates panic in Garo Hills -
A meteorite falling in the areas bordering Bangladesh created panic among the
residents of the Garo Hills region.
The meteorite, which fell inside Bangladesh, lit up the night sky around 10.30
pm last night. It was eagerly watched by the residents living along these areas.
Australia Daytime Meteor 14NOV2013?
MN WI Meteor/s 15NOV2013?
OK TX KS MO CO NM Fireball Meteor 16NOV2013?
Japan Spectacular Bolide Meteor Detonation 15NOV2013
Japan Fireball Meteor 16NOV2013
Japan Super Duration Fireball Meteor 16NOV2013
New Meteor Explodes Over Russia! - November 19, 2013
Mystery object spotted in skies over Portland - Nov 20, 2013
A strange, fiery sight spotted in the skies over the Willamette Valley Wednesday
morning may have been a meteor. Or an optical illusion.
Large Meteor Outburst Was Possible Now Near CERTAIN 20NOV2013-01DEC2013
MBIQ Bot Meteor Detections 20/21NOV2013
Ukraine Bolide Meteor 21NOV2013
Ontario, Canada Meteor/s 24NOV2013
MBIQ Detects Georgia Bright Meteor 24NOV2013
MBIQ Detects Alberta, Canada Large Meteor 24NOV2013
MBIQ Detects Quebec, Canada Fireball Meteor 26NOV2013
MBIQ Detects California Meteor 26NOV2013
Loxahatchee dad convinced his son was hit by meteorite fragments? -
27th, 2013
Breaking News- QLD NSW, Australia Meteor 27NOV2013
Breaking News- Washington, Alberta, British Columbia Fireball Meteor
Greece / Italy Fireball Meteor/s 27NOV2013
Quebec and Ontario, Canada Meteor apprx 2130 28NOV2013
?Meteor hits Greek island - 28 November 2013
A meteor hit Zakynthos, the third largest Greek island, in the Ionian Sea on
Wednesday night.
Meteorite puts on stunning light show for Fraser Coast (Queensland) - 29th
Nov 2013
Japan Fireball Meteor 29NOV2013
Japan Fireball Meteor 20:50:27 JST 30NOV2013
Meteor Explodes Over Greece, Freaked Out Locals Report Fragments Falling Into
Sea (Video) - December 1, 2013
It seems the local in Greece are not liking this latest meteor show they had, on
the 29th of November. It was no ISON, but I think the video and pictures are
stunning, none the
Jacksdale resident thinks meteorite hit house - 1 December 2013
Lawrence Parkin from Jacksdale, Nottinghamshire said he was woken in the night
by a tile falling from his roof.
In the morning he found large chunks of rock scattered around his front garden.
New Mexico Fireball Meteor 04DEC2013
California Two Fireballs 04DEC2013
Japan Fireball Meteor 06DEC2013
MBIQ Detects UK Meteor 09DEC2013
Large AZ Fireball With Sonic Booms - 10 Dec. 2013
Data on Fireball That Exploded Over Arizona/ISON - Dec 11, 2013
UFO Explodes over Tucson Arizona - Dec 11, 2013
ISON Debris Huge Meteor Streak At Neumayer Lit Up By The Moon? - December 11,
There is a huge meteor streak, in the Northeast, at Neumayer Station, in
Antarctica; which is lit up by the moon. ISON was in the Northeast sky that
morning in that direction. I am wondering if this isn’t debris from ISON? There
are several streaks shown in the sky, that evening. The date is December 10,
Greece TWO Fireballs in 24 Hours 11/12DEC2013
Japan Fireball Meteor 13DEC2013
MBIQ Detects GA TN AL Fireball Meteor/s 17DEC2013
Japan Fireball Meteor 17DEC2013
Large Tennesse Fireball – December 17th, 2013
Doomsday Preacher Update! Huge Fireball Seen All Over Southern USA; California,
Too! - December 18, 2013
Strange Explosion Noises Reported In Montgomery County - Dec 19, 2013
Could be meteors coming through and the sonic booms were from them entering the
atmosphere," said resident Janet Johnson.
GA SC Daytime Fireball Meteor 19DEC2013
UK / Scotland Daytime Bolide Meteor 19DEC2013
Revealed: Mystery 'bright object' in skies above Churchdown was fireball
meteor - December 20, 2013
It is also thought 2014 is going to a bumper year for meteor attacks.
Daytime fireball spotted over Sweden yesterday and another over the UK this
METEOR VIDEO: Fireball Lights Iowa Sky - December 26, 2013
California US / Baja MX Meteor 26DEC2013
Arizona Meteor 26DEC2013
Breaking News - Large Meteor Event MI, IA, MO, SD, IL, MN, KS, ND, ONT. SK
Possible meteor sighting creates excitement - Dec 26, 2013
Breaking News- OK TX AR Meteor 27DEC2013 with video
MN IA Fireball Meteor 27DEC2013
MBIQ Detects UK Meteor 28DEC2013
Massive Fireball Over Iowa and Minnesota - 27 DEC 2013
Breaking News- MI Daytime Fireball 28DEC2013
MBIQ Detects Alberta, BC Canada Meteor 29DEC2013
Meteor over Southern California/Live Radio Show - Dec 28, 2013
Astronomers perplexed: Was mysterious Iowa 'fireball' a meteor or space
debris? - 30 December 2013
Massive Montana Fireball Shoots Straight Down From The Sky (Video) -
December 30, 2013
- Secondary Data
38 Fireballs!! Solar Flare, Radio Burst, Comet Explosion - October 23, 2013
5 Major Fireball Events In 36 Hours - October 24, 2013
Sky Explodes Over NM – Cluster Fireballs & More – Fire In The Sky News
(Video) - October 28, 2013
2013 IS STRANGE Part 21 OCTOBER - 28 Oct 2013
4 Major Fireball Events In 5 Day - November 6, 2013
Major firebal activity and amazing dramatic footage, presented by Fire in the
Sky News, with 14 fireballs reported and shown at SpaceWeather.com, with 4 major
events reported in just 5 days.
More Asteroid Strikes Are Likely, Scientists Say - November 6, 2013
Will Earth Be Destroyed As Fireballs, Meteors And Asteroids Move Closer? -
November 8, 2013
315 Fireballs & Counting: Something Is Coming - December 12, 2013
In the last 6 weeks, there have been 54 fireballs reported, bringing the grand
total for 2013 to 315…and counting. For comparison, in 2008, there were 69
fireball events for the entire year. In 2012, a total of 246 fireballs were
reported around the world.
Meteor Alert! Large Bolide Meteor Events Expected from 26DEC-12JAN2014
ISON? Fireballs All Over The US!! (Videos) - December 29, 2013
Fire in the Sky - 2013 Compilation - Jan 27, 2014
Meteor sightings from 2013 compiled into a 6 minute video. You will never perceive reality in the same way after having watched this. It is time to wake up. You can find the entire news article here: